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METHODOLOGY OF LOVE  	Hello my honorable reader, I am really glad you took out your time to read this life changing article, that reminds me what is celebrated in a season like this, wait, be calm, I know you know it, and it’s what Shakespeare define as “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is wing'd cupid painted blind.” This means love is unexplainable, it has a lot to do with the the heart and the mind.  A Greek word for love is Agape, which means empathetic and universal love.       I can remember vividly, the life of a beautiful couple, they got married happily, they really love each other but there is something peculiar about them that I know, which I want my amiable readers to learn, whenever they have any form of disagreement, they accept responsibility by forgiving and each other and settling it in no time.  Yeah, so what exactly is the methodology of our expedient subject, it’s the techniques, or should I say systematic procedure which the mode of love is based on. First, for you to love anyone, it’s about your CHOICE, it’s freewill. Love really depends on your choice, for any affection, or feeling, or any form of emotion to take place, it must be through your choice; your will. To move this forward I will love to inform you that one of  the methodologies is TIME, one of the main bedrock of love is spearing time out of your busy schedules, to relate with the one that you love, to know them better, and for intimacy majorly. Lastly, the methodology of love is through ACT, there can’t be love in any relationship, where there is no expression of it in action, when there is a genuine kind of love; it’s really a time when it is expressed through commitment, sacrifices, consistency and honor.  	Wow! It’s really inspiring going through the methodologies, I love to inform you this season, is about being original not just that, being authentic and not faking it, because there is always a repercussion for every action. Take care readers!

my honorable reader, I am really glad you took out your time to read this life
changing article, that reminds me what is celebrated in a season like this,
wait, be calm, I know you know it, and it’s what Shakespeare define as “
Love looks not with the eyes, but with
the mind, and therefore is wing'd cupid painted blind.” This means love is unexplainable,
it has a lot to do with the the heart and the mind.  A Greek word for love is Agape, which means
empathetic and universal love. 

 I can remember
vividly, the life of a beautiful couple, they got married happily, they really
love each other but there is something peculiar about them that I know, which I
want my amiable readers to learn, whenever they have any form of disagreement,
they accept responsibility by forgiving and each other and settling it in no

Yeah, so what exactly is the methodology of our expedient
subject, it’s the techniques, or should I say systematic procedure which the
mode of love is based on. First, for you to love anyone, it’s about your CHOICE,
it’s freewill. Love really depends on your choice, for any affection, or feeling,
or any form of emotion to take place, it must be through your choice; your
will. To move this forward I will love to inform you that one of  the methodologies is TIME, one of the main
bedrock of love is spearing time out of your busy schedules, to relate with the
one that you love, to know them better, and for intimacy majorly. Lastly, the
methodology of love is through ACT, there can’t be love in any relationship,
where there is no expression of it in action, when there is a genuine kind of love;
it’s really a time when it is expressed through commitment, sacrifices,
consistency and honor.

          Wow! It’s really inspiring going
through the methodologies, I love to inform you this season, is about being
original not just that, being authentic and not faking it, because there is
always a repercussion for every action. Take care readers!

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