US:Israel's PM Finally Speaks On Biden's Win, See What He Told Trump And Called The President-elect.

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World leaders congratulates Joe Biden. The United States Of America has chosen Joseph Biden as their next President alongside Kamala Harris as Vice.

Biden won the US Presidential election with a total of 290 electoral votes and over 4million votes over President Donald Trump thereby elected the 46th President of the United States Of America alongside first female Vice President of The United states of America.

Many Presidents, rulers and Prime Ministers have sent congrats to the President Elect of the United States. Lately, Israel's Prime Minister. Benjamin Netanyahu has sent his congratulations to Biden and has called him a great friend of Israel

PM Netanyahu: "Congratulations @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris. Joe, we’ve had a long and warm personal relationship for nearly 40 years, and I know you as a great friend of Israel. I look forward to working with both of you to further strengthen the special alliance between the U.S. and Israel.

He also, Thanked President Donald Trump telling him how he has been a good friend to him and Israel as a whole.

PM Netayanhu To Trump: “Thank you @realDonaldTrump for the friendship you have shown the state of Israel and me personally, for recognizing Jerusalem and the Golan, for standing up to Iran, for the historic peace accords and for bringing the American-Israeli alliance to unpr ecedented heights,” 

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