Do you know how to Sell your services on WhatsApp? Part 2

OFFICIAL 7HubEnt ☑ WhatsApp Group Links 2024
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 Do you know how to Sell your services on WhatsApp? 


Find out if you have a business prospect

Create the opportunity to ask a couple of quick questions to establish if the person
you have called is, in fact, a prospect.

What you ask will depend on the business you are in and what you need to know

about the person on the end of the phone to establish whether or not they are a

prospect. Choose your questions wisely and find out as quickly as you can if they

have potential.

You may need to ask the person if they currently use x product or service. If so, do

they have anything that they need at the moment? Are they looking for any of the

solutions you have or are they experiencing any of the challenges you describe?

You may need to find out the process they go through to choose suppliers and

whether they are open to meeting with you at some stage. You will need to close

the call by arranging the appropriate follow up activity.

& no we are not prospects.

Then thank the person for their time and their information and confirm any follow

up you have arranged by email.

How to use this information

Use the basic structure of the call as outlined in this section and consider how you

could adapt it to suit your products and services. Try it and monitor what works

and what doesn’t.

Think research and make your cold calls warm.

Find out what will happen tomorrow Monday 10 / 03 / 2023

Making appointments

Why are appointments important?

Sales appointments are your opportunity to get in front of your potential

customers face to face and explore how you may be able to help them.

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