Is Trump Afraid Of Defeat? Checkout What He Did, The Moment He Noticed That Biden Is Leading Him.

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Good day dear wonderful readers, 7hubent has it again, I will update in the affairs of the United States election and result counting, and what Trump did the moment he noticed that Biden is leading him in the election.

President Donald Trump attempted to stop the counting of votes in the remaining states in the US election. He falsely claimed victory in the presidential election, and said that he would demand the United States supreme court to stop vote counting.

Donald Trump revealed that he is winning everything and it was called off, all of a sudden. Trump, in his statement indicated that he had been preparing to celebrate victory Wednesday night.

However, despite the election race is still on, and vote counting continued, Donald Trump attempted to declear himself the winner of the United States presidential election, ahead of Joe Biden and other contenders.

Trump threatened to call out the court to stop the remaining ballots from being counted.

Meanwhile, at the look of things, Joe Biden is leading him in many states that result has been announced, and he was afraid that the results will be rigged, and announce Joe Biden the winner of the election.

In his statement, he said “this is a very big moment, this is a major fraud on our nation, we want the law to be used in a proper manner, so we will be going to the United States supreme court.”

He said that he want all voting to stop, and he don't want them to find any ballot at 4 O'clock in the morning.

According to news report, Trump was insisting that he win in all election races, and also claiming that it is very clear he win Georgia and north Carolina with no proof.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden's white house campaign group slammed president Donald Trump's threats to stop vote counting in United States. The team said that it's legal team was ready to prevent such unprecedented act

Joe Biden campaign manager, whose name is Jen O’ Malley Dillion, in his statement said that President Donald Trump's action is unprecedented, outrageous and incorrect.

The manager also said that never before in United States history, that there is no president of US to strip Americans of their voice in a national election.

Though, the Biden's campaign group insisted that the vote counting will not stop, because the presidential election hung in the balance, with Biden winning 238 votes in the electoral college, while president Donald Trump secured only 213.

In summary, It is very clear that Donald Trump is afraid if defeat, because Joe Biden has more votes after some states result has been announced. But I don't think he did the right thing by attempting to stop the votes counting, and demanding the call out of United States supreme court, he is the president doesn't mean he should do anyhow, if he is a good president, he will win the remaining states, there is no need to stop vote counting.

Below are photos of the results:

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