Calling a girl on the phone for the first time? Here's what to say to make her comfortable with you

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The first phone call is the most important, but it’s also very easy. Call her number, and if she doesn’t answer, call back immediately. This is an amazing technique to get her to answer. Most people, especially popular girls, won’t answer a call if they don’t know the number. For some reason, this avoids that trap. 

If she doesn’t answer on the second call, leave a message. If she was screening because she didn’t know that it was you, this could result in a call back. It’s best to have a story ready to tell her. As soon as she answers say, “Hey, this is Shola. Guess what happened to me today?”

This is how friends talk on the phone (which you should know, if you have friends), so acting in this way will make her feel more comfortable with you. 

After your story, continue to chat with her for a little while and then abruptly say, “well, it was cool talking with you. I’ve got to go meet my friends.” Do not invite her to anything. If you put in one phone call like this, you can be sure that she’ll answer the next time you call, and until then she’ll be wondering why you didn’t ask her out. Girls love anticipation, so give it to them!

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