Sunday Riddle!! Who Can Fill In The Gap To Complete This 6 Letters Word

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Hi Guys, Its another edition of our Sunday Riddle…..

Who can Complete this 6 letters word below:-

_ o _ e _ h


1. Girls love it.
2. Boys use it.
3. Parents hate it.
4. Animals are scared of it.

You are brilliant if you get the answer within 4hrs.

Drop your comments as fast as you can 💥

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  1. Does it have end with H

  2. The answer is POPEEH. It is a Latin American word for BOUQUET.
    Boys use bouquet to gift to girls.
    Girls love to receive bouquet.
    Parents hate it because it is perishable item so leads to wastage of money.
    Animals are scared of it because they dislike the smell.

  3. Latin word popeeh while American word bouquet

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